Monday 25 October 2010

The Canterbury Tales

This week in Outlines of English Literature we will (hopefully!) begin to look at Geoffrey Chaucer's The  Canterbury Tales. You can find a very good modern verse translation of all the tales here. There is another one here, and you can find others all over the web. I'll say a little bit more about these in class. 


  1. There is a wonderful collection of images from manuscrips of The Canterbury Tales at the website of the libraray of the University of Glasgow:

    You can also now make comments on this blog. There was a problem before but I've fixed this (I hope!).

  2. But check your comment first as you can't correcet any mistakes after posting! Library, not libraray, of course.....

  3. and check it again as you cannot correct any mistakes after posting, not correcet =) what's wrong with your keyboard =)
