I also found a good documentary on Dylan Thomas, made by the BBC and broadcast in 2003. You can watch the whole thing on youtube. Here's a link to
the first part. The first three minutes you might find difficult to follow - there's some mumbling, and some strong Welsh accents! - but it gets easier after that. It also includes some of Thomas's best readings of his poems.
Another great Welshman, Anthony Hopkins (you might know him better as Hannibal Lector) has also recorded readings of several Thomas poems. Here he is reading
'Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night'. You can easily find other readings by him.
You can find the texts of these and other poems by Dylan Thomas all over the web - here's
one site worth looking at.
There are two translation (into Turkish) of the poem "And Death Shall Have No Dominion"... Interestingly, one of them is done by the late politician (four-time Prime Minister of Turkey) Bülent Ecevit; the other one done by the first Minister of Culture of Turkey (also an academician) Talat Sait Halman:)