Monday 8 November 2010

Great Expectations - Seminar questions

Here are the questions the last group put together for our seminar tomorrow. Sorry not to have managed to make these available before now. I've revised some of them slightly. Page numbers refer to the Penguin Popular Classics edition.

  1.  How would you describe Pip’s feelings when he hears of  his sister’s death ?(255)

  2. How does Pip feel when he discovers the identity of his real benefactor ?(293)

  3. How would you interpret Magwitch’s description of Compeyson ? What does this description reveal about his notion of a gentleman ? (317)

  4. How does Estella react when Pip confesses his love to her ? And how would you describe Miss Havisham’s feelings regarding this confession of love  and Estella’s attitude toward Pip ?(330-331)

  5. ‘What I have done! what I have done !’She  wrung her hands ,and crushed her white hair and returned to this cry over and over again .‘What I have done! ’(367).Who do you think is speaking here? How would you describe the speaker’s feelings here ?

  6. As readers, are we made to feel  a degree of sympathy for Miss Havisham? If so, how? Does she justify her wrong-doings  (with regard to both Pip and Estella)?what is Pip’s reaction ?(364-365).
Try to think about some of these questions at least before tomorrow's class.


  1. i think you should have sent these questions to our e-mail adresses because i dont think that all my friends have read them.actually i just saw them by chance but it may be just my problem!:)

  2. Thanks! Yes, email might have been better, but I think they would still have arrived rather late. I'll revise how we do this for the first group after the midterms...
