Friday 12 November 2010

H.D. (again), Ezra Pound and Imagism

Here is a link to the full text of David Ayers' short chapter on 'H.D., Ezra Pound and Imagism', which appears in his book Modernism: An Introduction. I hope some of you might find it useful in preparing for the midterms.

Here too is (another) link to an online version of Some Imagist Poets of 1915. Go on, have a look at one or two new poems. I promise it won't kill you.


  1. thanks Hart, this topic that we studied in the class inspired me for my dissertation assignment =) lucky to have you here =)

  2. Thanks, and good luck with the dissertation (and you can call me Patrick - or Mr Hart if you prefer).

  3. how about rick? sounds cool =) thank you for it all, i'll make sure that i talk to you before i finish with my paper. (i'd rather call it a paper actually for it is just 5 or 6 pages and for it is overrated at our university being called a dissertation :p )

  4. Calling me "Rick" will lead to your immediate expulsion! Do talk to me about your paper/dissertation whenever you like - although it might be a good idea to arrange a meeting, to make sure I don't have to disappear to any meetings or prepare lessons.

  5. so, it is Patrick, and sorry if i sound too clumsy with titles. i will, as soon as i get rid of the first round of the exams =) meeting is a good idea cuz i can pile and analyse my sources in the mean time to save time.
