Tuesday 28 December 2010

Early film and Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

Here's a link to a famous (well, famous-ish) silent early film adaptation of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. I hope it might interest both those of you studying the novel and those of you interested in film at the time of the modernsits. I admit I turned the volume off when I watched it - I can only take so much dramatic organ music.

Please note that the film is an adaptation - it makes changes to the plot, introducing new elements and eliminating others. Watching the film(s) is not a substitute for reading the book!

And if you are reading this on Tuesday (or Wednesday morning) remember that tomorrow (Wednesday) there will be a quiz on the novel, and a catch-up class from 2-4pm.


  1. Just to share this little discovery, the French musical interpretation of "Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde" from the great (that's totally subjective)Gainsbourg !


  2. Thanks Constance! Your link doesn't seem to work, but I found this one, which might:


    I love it, I'm going to have to download it from somewhere - along with some more Serge Gainsbourg! It's almost as good as this:


    and this! -


    I'm straying off topic here, and I can't really judge Zebda's lyrics as lyrics, but I do think rap is still massively undervalued, especially European, politically engaged rap. Here's a personal favourite from Napoli:


    Is there anything equivalent in Turkey? (I'd be grateful for any recommendations for Turkish music to listen to!)

    (j'm'appelle Patrick, mais on dit Bob...)

  3. I'm glad that you like it, I have some of his songs on my computer, I can copy it for you If you want !!
    Boris Vian is much lesser known than Gainsbourg for his music, his novels have still the monopole of his succes although he is very a polyvalent artist.

    Talking about rap they were an interesting phenomena in France a few years ago, the singer Grand corps malade from Saint-Denis a very "colored" suburb of Paris became quite famous with his poetical and socialy engaged slam (kind of rap but focused mostly on the lyrics ). It's, in part, thanks to its success with a new public made of parisian's "bobo" that Grand corps malade became famous to people who didn't know anything about slam, and that the rap/ slam scene extended out of intimist cafe .

    This is a link, I hope it'll work this time.

    http://www.youtube.com/watchv=8LXaSFgVxGs&feature=related ("Je viens de là")

    And an other one which Is not my favourite but just to show that we are not so far from the original topic of Stevenson novel !!

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBSi17jWhqo (Mental)

  4. Thanks! That would be great. I can't open the first link again, but the second works. A good challenge for my French! Here's my attempt at a translatio nof the first few lines (still in translatorese!)

    If there is a familiar idea, a thought that is not wholly new,
    It is that in your career, you encounter beautiful ordeals,
    the way is 'Mr Hyde', not only 'Dr Jekyll'
    I saw the film long ago, the way isn't a long peaceful stream,
    You only have to see the reaction of a new-born baby in the hospital...

    (S'il y a bien une idée qui rassemble, une pensée qui est pas toute neuve,
    C'est qu' quel que soit ton parcours, tu rencontres de belles épreuves
    La vie c'est "Mister Hyde", pas seulement "Docteur Jekyll"
    J'ai vu le film depuis longtemps, la vie n'est pas un long fleuve tranquille
    T'as qu'à voir les réactions d'un nouveau-né à l'hôpital...)

    Any other musical tips? I ought to try to read some Boris Vian, quite a lot of his novels have been translated. Anyone with any Turkish suggestions? Or examples of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde in Turkish popular culture?

  5. Quel talent de traducteur !!
    If you like it I would advice you other songs whose lyrics are more interesting, I think ("Saint-Denis" and "Je viens de là"). And sorry I gave up with treacherous links.
